College Savings Plan

Prepare for the Costs of Higher Education with College Savings Planning

Your plan should reflect your family’s philosophy about the type and funding of college for children and grandchildren. In our discovery sessions, we explore that philosophy and build both “ideal” and “acceptable” scenarios. Using vetted research sources, we project the total cost of higher education and assess the sufficiency of your current resources. We advise on alternate approaches or adjust your goals to close any gaps. Through our collaboration, a recommended funding goal will be established. We then evaluate various alternatives that may be appropriate in funding these objectives. We may recommend 529 college savings accounts, education IRAs, UTMA taxable accounts, trust or other strategies, based on what matters most to your family.

Your College Savings Plan Helps You Answer:

  • What is my philosophy around college education for my children or grandchildren?
  • What is a good estimate for the costs of higher education?
  • Are my present resources adequate?
  • How much do we need to set aside for college costs?
  • What vehicles should be used to fund education costs?
  • How should funds allocated for education be invested?
TandemGrowth Financial Advisors

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